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URGENT: The government has halted all funding for recently arrived refugee families. Your support is needed now!

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President's Council

Established in 2020, the Global Refuge President’s Council is an advisory committee that includes business and nonprofit leaders, policy experts and advocates, and faith leaders of varied backgrounds and sector experience. The Council provides Global Refuge President & CEO Krish O’Mara Vignarajah with strategic advice related to the organization’s key priority areas and its efforts to effectively fulfill its mission and vision.

Nara Altmann
Columbia University
Diane Batchik
Independent Advisor
Sindy Benavides
Aqui: The Accountability Movement
Jeff Bermel
Bermel Consulting, LLC
Betsy Biern
Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area Foundation
Fred Black
Blackstar Strategies
Sylvia Black
Blackstar Strategies
Angela Chee
Media and Communication Coach | Keynote Speaker
Kathy Collins
Vice President of Finance (Retired) | Rice University
Christopher Davis
Former Resident Counsel | Ford Foundation
Angela Dejene
President and Founder | Dejene Communications
Judy Diers
Diers Consulting, LLC
Habib Enayetullah
Rev. Mary Forrell-Davis
Pastor Ret.
Sarah Gerth van den Berg
City Seminary of New York
Rev. Tom Grevlos
Pastor Ret.
Christine Grumm
Chris Grumm Consulting Group
Mike Hansen
Hansen and Associates
Muhsin Hassan
Lever for Change
Ed Hatcher
The Hatcher Group
Cindy Howton
Red Branch, LLC
Matthew Jordan
Covercraft Industries
Daya Khalsa
Anchorum St. Vincent
Susan Kim
Donna Kinzer
DK Healthcare Consulting
Carol Kissal
Karen Kress
Nonprofit Executive (Retired)
Sean Long
PowerTransitions LLC
James Longenecker
Northbay Education Inc.
Lori Lovelace
The Vessel
Rev. Rufus Lusk
Pastor (Retired)
Bill McKibben
Paul C. Miles
We Raise Foundation
Abe Minkara
Legacy Knight: Multi-Family Office
Sheela Murthy
Murthy Law Firm
Bryn Parchman
Port Discovery Children’s Museum, (Retired)
Joanna Pena-Bickley
Designed By Us, Design Corps
LeRoy Pingho
Great Elm Solutions, Inc.
Sridhar Prasad
The Bridgespan Group
Thomas Regnante
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Anne C. Richard
US State Department, Former Assistant Secretary for PRM
Lisa Scott Benson
Chief Strategy Officer/President (retired) | Russ Reid
Rogers Smith
University of Pennsylvania
Michele Speaks
Co-Chairman, Warnock Foundation
Linda Stoterau
Former Global Refuge Board Member
William Swanson
Independent Investor
Jose Antonio Tijierno
Hispanic Heritage Foundation
Laurel Vicklund
Peregrine Global Services
David Warnock
Warnock Foundation
Reinhard Ziegler, PhD
The Vessel

Board of Directors

The board includes former refugees or first-generation immigrants, professionals, and community members who are committed to advancing the dialogue surrounding refugees and immigrant rights.

Meet our Board of Directors
