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Welcome Centers

A local welcome for global neighbors

Global Refuge employee completing an intake for a family. Couple and teenage daughter talking with an Global Refuge employee in a living room.

Global Refuge Welcome Centers ensure that asylum seekers and refugees have access to local services and support.

Welcome Centers serve as a one-stop shop for newcomers—a place where refugee and asylum seeker families can walk in the door and immediately have access to the support they need, from career development to medical and mental healthcare. These Centers provide a next level of service, offering protection-centered and trauma-informed case management, and connections to essential community resources, including:

  • A service plan within one month of enrollment, tailored to the refugee or asylum seeker's individual needs.
  • Mental health screening and referral to mental health and psychosocial support through internal services where available, as well as external referrals.
  • Connection to community health providers to address any health issues.
  • Legal services for refugees and asylum seekers, including know-your rights support, guidance to secure legal counsel, and support in obtaining assistance with applications where needed.
  • Connection to community-based resources for which they are eligible, such as food banks, volunteer services, and faith communities.
  • Education services, including school enrollment for school-age children, and access to youth and adult education programming, including English classes.
  • Emergency food, housing, and financial assistance.

Our Welcome Centers

Global Refuge Welcome Centers are privately funded, and we thank Bank of America for their generous support of refugees and asylum seekers.

To support a Welcome Center, or start a new Welcome Center in your area, please contact

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