Stand with refugees

URGENT: The government has halted all funding for recently arrived refugee families. Your support is needed now!

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The Emmaus Network

Faith communities play a critical role in welcoming new neighbors alongside Global Refuge – just as they have since our founding more than 80 years ago.

Today, people of faith continue to speak out, take action, and embody ministries of welcome in communities across the United States through the Global Refuge EMMAUS Network for Congregations. Together, we will answer the Biblical call to welcome the stranger by standing and advocating alongside our newest neighbors and transforming communities through ministries of service and justice.

Your congregation will receive:

  • First access to new resources and toolkits exploring the intersection of faith, justice, and migration
  • Invitations to exclusive in-person and online Global Refuge events
  • Quarterly newsletters with updates, prayers, and stories from Global Refuge
  • And more!

Join the Network

Share a story of welcome


Does your congregation have a story of accompanying immigrants and refugees? Whether a recent experience or decades ago, we want to hear your welcome story!


Take Action Today

Discern as a congregation

The EMMAUS: Congregational Discernment Guide leads faith communities in prayer, discussion, and discernment around how they can act on the Biblical call to welcome the stranger.

Download the guide

Continue the conversation

Learn More

Visit the EMMAUS Resource Center, where additional toolkits, Bible studies, and worship resources are available for you and your community.

Learn More
