Stand with refugees
URGENT: The government has halted all funding for recently arrived refugee families. Your support is needed now!
URGENT: The government has halted all funding for recently arrived refugee families. Your support is needed now!
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Congregational Resources
Global Refuge creates resources to support congregations in living out the Biblical call to welcome the stranger. We pray these resources will encourage, educate, and engage your congregation in the work of welcome.
In January of 2024, we adopted our new name – Global Refuge. While we understand that this news is exciting for some and difficult for others, we assure you that our mission, vision and values remain unchanged. To learn more about the decision, our critical work this year, and our plans for enhanced faith and mobilization work, watch our webinar.
Questions? Comments? Reach our team at
We want to make sure you have everything you need to share with your faith community about the work of Global Refuge and our new name. Congregations who support Global Refuge across the country received a special mailing with Global Refuge brochures, flyers and more earlier in 2024. Please email if you would like your congregation to be added to the list. In the meantime, download bulletin inserts to share in your community.
In response to your requests for resources to have difficult conversations about immigration in your communities, Global Refuge recently hosted a webinar for 100 or so faith leaders from across the country. In this webinar, we shared a toolkit for countering disinformation and gave tips for having these conversations. Download the Disinformation Toolkit to explore common myths and facts as well as talking points and stories to share with your community. To learn more about these resources, watch a live Recording of the Webinar.
Guided by our call to welcome the stranger, it is more important than ever for faith communities to be a beacon of welcome and kindness for our newest neighbors. We invite you to join with us in sharing stories of newcomers in a sacred and celebratory way. This can take place in how you preach, in the biblical stories you highlight and in the way you worship.
To aid you in this work, we have created The Welcome the Stranger Worship Order for you to share in your community. Download the resource today and you will have everything you need to develop a Christian worship service centered on hospitality, refuge, and welcome.
Join Global Refuge to experience different paths to full and faithful lives in the United States. Navigate the Journey to Welcome exercise following one of the three paths where participants will experience life in the United States as a refugee, a volunteer or an unaccompanied minor. As you journey through, you will hear stories of immigrants and former refugees in their own words, learn about what it is like to navigate the immigration and resettlement systems, and have the opportunity to take action in support of our newest neighbors. Lead the activity with your youth group or confirmation class.
Our partners at AMMPARO (Accompanying Migrant Minors with Protection, Advocacy, Representation and Opportunities) have important resources for communities to read about their rights and those of immigrants in their care. Explore resources available to you.
Explore resources and backgrounders with more information about recent executive orders and accompanying actions. Write your representatives sharing your support of newcomers and sign up for advocacy alert. Visit our Advocacy page to learn more.
We invite you and your congregations to fill a form in preparation for our 2025 Global Refuge Lenten Devotional. As with previous Devotionals, it will have weekly stories from supporters and staff of Global Refuge for you to read and ponder, as well as daily reflection questions and prayers to engage with throughout the 40 days of the season. Click here to access the form.
In partnership with Paraclete Post, a ministry of the Southern Ohio Synod, ELCA, we have developed an educational resource for families to talk to children about immigration. In this resource, you will find a discussion of a children’s book on immigration, prompts and further reading recommendations for family conversation, and suggestions for spiritual play. Download the resource to talk to your kids about the work of welcome.
Each month, a newsletter with all the latest news, events, updates and resources is sent to thousands of faith communities across the country. If you would like to be added to this list, please email Browse the latest newsletters below:
Over the years, the Mobilization and Faith Relations team has created a number of resources that have responded to a certain moment in our history. Please feel free to use any that resonate with you.